If you are interested in reducing non-interest expenses, improving internal processes and reducing marketing and operational budgets, Source4 can help.
Custom E-business Solutions
IMAGE is a custom web-based E-procurement and marketing portal that will simplify and streamline your ordering, fulfillment, shipping and marketing processes.
The groundbreaking power of IMAGE streamlines the process and delivers value where it counts.
Source4 currently has hundreds of financial institutions utilizing our IMAGE E-portal for procurement and fulfillment of operational items, marketing materials, office supplies and promotional items and logo apparel.
Check out our demo and see how the power of our IMAGE Solution can benefit your financial institution.
Financial Assessment
Source4’s financial assessment team will perform a “no-cost” assessment on your operational and marketing costs. After the assessment process, Source4 will deliver an executive summary, guaranteeing a significant savings on your current expenditures.
Our goal is to work with your team, gather information and provide you with solutions that will help you to:
Reduce non-interest expenses
Streamline your internal processes
Reduce marketing and operational budgets
Contact us for your “No-Cost” assessment.
Marketing Solutions for Financial Institutions
Digital and offset printing options
Targeted direct mail campaigns that are relevant and personalized to your clients and prospects
Mailing lists
Digital marketing campaigns
Promotional items and logo apparel
IMAGE Web-based catalog for employee store
DIGITAL MARKETING IS A GROWING TREND AMONG ALL DEMOGRAPHICS, ESPECIALLY THE MILLENIAL MARKET. now the largest generation in the united states, a specific strategy for younger consumers should be a part of any financial institution’s marketing plan.
Education is key to the decision-making process for a digital marketing strategy that will address the needs of your existing customers, while increasing reach to new customers. If you would like to learn more about how Digital Marketing can work for your Financial Institution please contact us for more information.
Technology Protection Portals
Identity theft and fraud is fast becoming the number one crime in the world. Source4 programs and services mitigate the risks for financial customers. Enhanced dark web monitoring is integrated into their digital identity protection programs.
Ultimate ID Plus- Powered by Identity Force, a Transunion brand, Ultimate ID Plus is an identity theft and fraud protection program that safeguards customer identity and mitigates fraud.
GenGold- A Lifestyle Rewards, Travel and Identify Theft program designed to increase non-interest income and deposits, as well as customer loyalty and retention.