By employing the tools and strategies we’ve developed specifically for associations.
custom E-business solutions
Source4 offers web-based solutions that will streamline your operational, marketing and membership initiatives.
IMAGE is a custom web-based E-procurement and marketing portal that will simplify and streamline your process of ordering and fulfillment of operational, educational, promotional and marketing materials to your members.
COD (Content on Demand) is a web-based template program that will streamline the marketing initiatives for your organization.
Segment your marketing messages, personalized and targeted
Simplify workflow and order processes
Reduce and eliminate obsolescence
Reduce print and postage costs
Print and marketing communications
Digital and offset printing options
Membership cards (print, process and mail)
Promotional incentives, merchandise and logo apparel
Creative/consulting and design services
Direct marketing campaigns
Mailing lists for targeted campaigns
Training and certification materials
Education kits
IMAGE Web-based procurement and marketing portal for fulfillment and distribution
Membership acquisition and retention campaigns
New member packets
Incentive and rewards programs